Dive into the story of creation with In the Beginning, a faith-filled curriculum that blends Scripture, nature study, and hands-on learning.


In the Beginning: A Charlotte Mason Approach to God’s Creation!

Are you looking for a homeschool curriculum that beautifully weaves Scripture, nature study, and hands-on learning? In the Beginning, our Charlotte Mason-inspired curriculum, takes your family on a journey through God’s creation as revealed in Genesis.

This study invites your children to marvel at the majesty of the world God made. Each day’s lesson combines Bible readings with thoughtful narration, nature observations, and creative activities to foster a deep understanding of the Creator’s work. From the formation of light and darkness to the creation of plants, animals, and mankind, your family will explore how every aspect of the world reflects God’s glory.

Through this curriculum, your homeschool will be enriched with rich literature, delightful music studies, and art projects inspired by the beauty of creation. Whether you’re gathering outside for a nature journaling session or diving into meaningful Scripture memorization and copywork, In the Beginning creates a rhythm of learning that is worshipful and inspiring.

Let In the Beginning help you guide your children toward a heart of gratitude and wonder for all that God has made. Together, you’ll cultivate both academic growth and spiritual truths that will last a lifetime.

Start your journey today and watch as God’s creation comes alive in your home!

A Creative Genesis-Themed Tea Time Spread

One of the many activities we have included in this curriculum is an easy, kid-friendly recipe section to make frosty treats for a Winter Tea Time! Whether you choose to make just a few of your favorites, or you create one each week to go with your Tea Time reading selection, these snowy desserts are sure to be a hit!

In the Beginning Tea Time Spread in order: Almond-stuffed dates, homemade hummus, English toffee, and unleavened bread.

Recipes included in this curriculum:

  • Torah Candy Bars
  • Fruit Kabobs
  • Unleavened Bread
  • Homemade Hummus
  • English Toffee (inspired by The Magician’s Nephew)
  • Almond-Stuffed Dates

Above is a close-up view of a few of the creative, yet easy-to-make tea time recipes we have in store for you! Make these lessons come alive with Biblical-inspired treats such as unleavened bread or almond-stuffed dates, or dive into our reading selection by trying a Magician’s Nephew-inspired treat! Make some, or all, with your family to enhance your studies of Creation, and make memories together that will last a lifetime!

Add a Biblical-Inspired Poem to Your Tea Time:

We have included several poetry selections within this curriculum that evoke Biblical themes and celebrate the beauty of God’s creation. This session’s selections are from our featured poet, James Weldon Johnson, and include copywork selections for ages ranging from primary through high school, as well as a short biography of our featured poet! Here is a sample of one of our favorite pieces:

Father, Father Abraham
by James Weldon Johnson

Father, Father Abraham,

Today look on us from above;

On us, the offspring of thy faith,

The children of thy Christ-like love.

For that which we have humbly wrought,

Give us today thy kindly smile;

Wherein we’ve failed or fallen short,

Bear with us, Father, yet awhile.

Father, Father Abraham,

Today we lift our hearts to thee,

Filled with the thought of what great price

Was paid, that we might ransomed be.

Today we consecrate ourselves

Anew in hand and heart and brain,

To send this judgment down the years:

The ransom was not paid in vain.

Delight in God’s Creation with the 160+ page “In the Beginning Morning Time Session”!

Take in the wonders of God’s creation with our beautifully crafted “In the Beginning Morning Time Session!” This 160+ page guide has everything you need to immerse your family in the beauties and wonders of the world God made through creative, hands-on learning activities.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • 6-week Calendar with each subject scheduled on it
  • Prayer and scripture memorization
  • Copywork selections from Deuteronomy 6:1-9, This is My Father’s World, The Creation, Father, Father Abraham, I Hear the Stars Still Singing, and Praise for Creation and Providence by Isaac Watts in primary, elementary, cursive, and a notebook sheet for high school students (and moms)
  • Memory Work: Prayer, scripture memory, and poetry memorization
  • Living Books recommended reading list for In the Beginning
  • Artist & Picture Study: Michelangelo with six printable art pieces
  • Music Study: Jewish Religious Music 
  • Poet Study: James Weldon Johnson with three poetry selections
  • Hymn Study: “This is My Father’s World”, with sheet music, listening links, and copywork
  • Folk Song Study: Haleluya La’Olam, with sheet music and listening links
  • 6 Teatime Recipes: Torah Candy Bars, Fruit Kabobs, Unleavened Bread, Homemade Hummus, English Toffee, and Almond Dates
  • Teatime Reading: The Magician’s Nephew, by C. S. Lewis
  • Plutarch Reading: Chapter “A Just Man” from The Children’s Plutarch: Stories of the Greeks
  • Handicraft: Create a Terrarium
  • Art Lesson: The Earth Seen From Space
  • Nature study: Biblical Vegetation
  • And more!

Ready for an enchanting winter wonderland? Get your guide today and let the fun begin!


Have a Genesis-Inspired Paint Party!

In this session, we’ve included an art lesson for you and your family that depicts a view of Earth from space. Marvel at the wonders of God’s creation through this activity, and if the weather permits, take your painting outdoors to experience His handiwork firsthand!


World from Space by Alisha Gratehouse.

Enjoying your paint party too much to stop? Grab these lessons from the Masterpiece Society to keep the fun going!

Living Books to Explore Creation in Your Homeschool

Pick up these creation-inspired books from your local library to enhance your family’s learning, or grab them below to make them a permanent addition to your homeschooling collection!

Picture Books & Early Elementary

The True Story of Noah's ArkThe True Story of Noah’s ArkThe True Story of Noah's ArkHerein Is Love, Vol. 1: GenesisHerein Is Love, Vol. 1: GenesisHerein Is Love, Vol. 1: GenesisGod's Names (Children Desiring God)God’s Names (Children Desiring God)God's Names (Children Desiring God)Window on the World: An Operation World Prayer Resource (Operation World Resources)Window on the World: An Operation World Prayer Resource (Operation World Resources)Window on the World: An Operation World Prayer Resource (Operation World Resources)WonderFull: Ancient Psalms Ever NewWonderFull: Ancient Psalms Ever NewWonderFull: Ancient Psalms Ever New


Upper Grades

In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the WorldIn the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the WorldIn the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the WorldTales Of Persia: Missionary Stories From Islamic IranTales Of Persia: Missionary Stories From Islamic IranTales Of Persia: Missionary Stories From Islamic IranAdam and His Kin: The Lost History of Their Lives and TimesAdam and His Kin: The Lost History of Their Lives and TimesAdam and His Kin: The Lost History of Their Lives and TimesUnveiling the Kings of Israel: Revealing the Bible's Archaeological HistoryUnveiling the Kings of Israel: Revealing the Bible’s Archaeological HistoryUnveiling the Kings of Israel: Revealing the Bible's Archaeological HistoryString, Straightedge and Shadow: The Story of GeometryString, Straightedge and Shadow: The Story of GeometryString, Straightedge and Shadow: The Story of Geometry


Family Read Aloud

Trial and Triumph: Stories from Church HistoryTrial and Triumph: Stories from Church HistoryTrial and Triumph: Stories from Church HistoryHittite WarriorHittite WarriorHittite WarriorThe Magician's Nephew (Full-Color Collector's Edition)The Magician’s Nephew (Full-Color Collector’s Edition)The Magician's Nephew (Full-Color Collector's Edition)Herodotus and the Road to HistoryHerodotus and the Road to HistoryHerodotus and the Road to History


We hope through this curriculum your family embraces the beauty of God’s handiwork!

Creation is a story of wonder and awe, and In the Beginning invites you to explore it fully. From quiet moments reading God’s Word to hands-on activities that bring His creation to life, this curriculum nurtures both your children’s minds and their hearts.

Open your Bibles, step outside, and let the beauty of God’s world inspire your homeschool days. Together, let’s make this season one of learning, worship, and joy as you marvel at the Creator and the work of His hands! And remember:

“It may be that the souls of all children are waiting for the call of knowledge to awaken them to delightful living.”

-Charlotte Mason

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